Season 2?

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Friends and fans,

You may have noticed we’ve taken like a half-year hiatus from producing SPI episodes. Buuuuuut, we’re feeling pretty mentally sluggish and in desperate need of intellectual stimulation, so Adam and I have started very early talks about bringing the show back for another 20 episodes or so and bundling it up as “Season 2.”

We’re going to aim for a release schedule similar to the first 20 shows, in the realm of twice a month, so 20 episodes will cover most of a year’s worth of content. Problem is, we haven’t filled out our 20 show itinerary yet.

That’s where you, the fans, enter the picture. While we’re in our planning phase, we’d like to get some suggestions from former and future listeners to help fill out our content block.

If you have an idea for a topic, drop us a comment below (on Facebook or this site), or you can email us as always, at

Hope to hear from you soon, and I hope that you hope to hear our voices coming through your radio again!